Virtual Headache Specialist

Our Mission is to Provide Guidance in Migraine, Headache and Facial Pain Education and Treatment.
Women experiencing a headache.

About Virtual Headache Specialist™

Welcome to Virtual Headache Specialist™. You have likely found this website or have been referred to it by a family member, friend, or medical professional because of an ongoing headache or facial pain disorder. There are a tremendous amount of patients suffering with debilitating headache and facial pain disorders. Unfortunately, there are very few headache specialists available to help them.

Virtual Headache Specialist Website and Symptom Checker Tool Tutorial Video

Headache specialist points to 5 steps for using the headache symptom checker.

5 Easy Steps For Using the Headache and Facial Pain Symptom Checker!

Choose your headache or face pain location on the 8 illustrations provided.

Answer location-specific questions, the same as a headache specialist would ask.

Receive a personalized list of possible types of headaches or facial pains.

Click on each result listed for detailed information, testing, common types of treatments, and further education links.

Print out the information to take with you to your local doctor to help narrow down your type of headache or facial pain, and discuss more effective treatment options.

7 steps of personalized questions:

Location of pain (8 illustrations)

Unique features (there are many headaches that have a very characteristic feature for diagnosis)

Pain frequency

Pain duration

Pain description

Associated neurologic symptoms

Additional associated symptoms

Headache specialist points to 7 steps of personalized questions.

Headache Symptom Checker

Choose your pain location

Where do your headaches or facial pain normally occur?

Blog of Hot Topics and Headache Hacks

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